Just take a look at the 15 women listed below-they’re a small sampling of the female science fiction and fantasy authors who helped define the genre. Authors > Sci-Fi & Fantasy Popular Sci-Fi & Fantasy Authors. After all, before these superstar authors came into their own, generations of groundbreaking female science fiction and fantasy authors paved the way. Perhaps now that three women top the best seller fantasy and science fiction lists, publishers can fully realize how ridiculous that request was. Yet despite the fact that science fiction was largely shaped by female authors (see: Mary Shelley), there’s still a stigma about books written by women not being taken seriously, or not appealing to men-hence why Rowling’s publisher suggested she use her initials, instead of her first name. Rowling, Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth make it seem as though the genre has always welcomed women with open arms. Lords of Uncreation (The Final Architecture 3) by Adrian Tchaikovsky Reading the Final Architecture series, I had to accept long ago that I would never fully grasp the nuances of some of its. In the 21st century, women dominating the field of science fiction and fantasy novels is par for the course-the overwhelming success of authors like J.K. Banks, Walter Jon Williams, Dan Simmons, Jack Vance, David Weber. Kameron Hurley Credit: Saga Press Hurley's first novel only debuted in 2010, but she's made a quick name for herself as a sci-fi/fantasy writer with fantasy series, The Worldbreaker Saga the.