#Mage tower bfa going Patch#
While we won’t be able to outgear the challenges altogether, there are still some ways to work around the Mage Tower, to prepare now in order to make your patch launch runs go as smoothly as possible. Given that, and my far-too-high level of pride in having done all 36 specs through the Mage Tower in Legion, I thought it only appropriate to offer some help, to cobble together what we know now about the Legion Timewalking version of the Mage Tower and to provide some preparation tips. I would suspect that tuning will be a little bit softer in the Timewalking version, as players will have far less opportunity to practice runs and refine strategies, making each Legion Timewalking week a 7-day sprint against the content and other goals (if you’re still raiding in the live game, PvPing, or running Mythic Plus, which Legion Timewalking also has a unique mode for). With Timewalking, you can no longer outgear the challenge – you’ll be scaled to character level 45 and to an appropriate item level (I haven’t seen a value from PTR yet, but the highest item level rewarded in Shadowlands by Legion raids is item level 51). In Legion, you could overgear the Mage Tower – it was designed for players in Nighthold gear to be most challenged, and the game had two tiers of raiding past that in Legion which allowed player item level to climb by 100 (representing, by Blizzard’s public explanation, a 100% increase in power). Outside of that though, because the new Mage Tower version is tied to Timewalking, there are some peculiarities compared to the first version that we must prepare for. The Mage Tower of today will only be open during Legion Timewalking weeks – which means two weeks upon patch launch (which best signs point to being the second week of December) and then around 4 times a year thereafter for one week each time.
#Mage tower bfa going skin#
Guardian Druids get the additional bonus of having a new werebear skin available from the Timewalking version of their challenge, which, given that the weapon wasn’t the point for Guardian Druids, means that it is the one spec that still lets you get a version of the original reward – arguably, a cooler one at that. There are a few things that have changed – the weapon skins are no longer obtainable, instead a new armor set is offered per class instead of per spec. With the end of Legion, the Mage Tower was closed, until now, when Legion Timewalking brings it back. Completing a challenge successfully rewarded you with a special Artifact weapon skin and further tints that could be unlocked. It required a building rotation that players contributed to with the world questing on the Broken Shore to unlock, and the Nethershard currency to buy attempts past the first one each time it was up (until the end of Legion, when the building was up 100% of the time and the cost on attempts was removed).

For those unfamiliar, during Legion, from the launch of 7.2 until the BfA pre-patch, the Mage Tower was a solo skill challenge players could undertake on the Broken Shore. In World of Warcraft’s upcoming patch 9.1.5, a popular feature from the Legion expansion will return – the Mage Tower.
#Mage tower bfa going update#
Further update : I can’t really offer a better guide on this than Wowhead has, so here is a link to their guide.) (Update : These ideas are all speculation and most have been disabled or worked-around with the recent PTR testing of the Timewalking Mage Tower.